What are the best approaches to optimise the informed consent process to improve recruitment of members of the public to randomised trials?

What level/ grade and what type of person (doctor, nurse, research assistant) is needed to gain informed consent?”
  • “Consent forms, whilst required legally, can be off putting as there are so many boxes to initial. It can cause stress when it is perhaps not needed.”
  • “Making the informed consent (or some version of it) understandable and useful. Videos, images, short… make it for the patient, not the institution. How did that even happen? : – )”
  • “The person taking consent should prioritise the patients information needs over the urgency to recruit – e.g. allowing the patient to discuss with family members or to take leaflets home to read in private.”
  • “… For low risk studies…can verbal consent be considered rather than written consent? – informed consent forms are too long, complicated and include too much legal terminology and should be simplified.”